
2021年9月17日—However,becausetheappstoresareunofficial,thecertificatesarerevokedbyApple,andthestore–andjailbreak–willcrash.Ananti- ...,2024年3月9日—Suddenly,IcannolongerverifyPhoenixonmyiPad2.Hasitbeenrevoked,oristhereanotherproblemwithmyiPad?,2021年8月3日—Itisbuiltinexpiredenterprisecertificates,andApplerevokestheseregularly.However,ananti-revokeapporrecommendedVPNcanprevent ...,2024年6月5日—...

How To Install Phoenix App On iPhone

2021年9月17日 — However, because the app stores are unofficial, the certificates are revoked by Apple, and the store – and jailbreak – will crash. An anti- ...

Is Phoenix revoked on ios 9.3.5 right now?

2024年3月9日 — Suddenly, I can no longer verify Phoenix on my iPad 2. Has it been revoked, or is there another problem with my iPad?

Phoenix Jailbreak App Download and Installation Guide

2021年8月3日 — It is built in expired enterprise certificates, and Apple revokes these regularly. However, an anti-revoke app or recommended VPN can prevent ...

Phoenix Jailbreak for iOS 9.3.5 and iOS 9.3.6

2024年6月5日 — ... Phoenix jailbreak first introduced to the jailbreak ... This method often fails because the globally available certificate gets revoked by Apple.

Phoenix Jailbreak Tutorial for iOS 9

The only downside to this is that the app stores are built using enterprise certificates, and these may be revoked at any time by Apple. This will cause ...

Phoenix Jailbreak [Working Online Jailbreak method]

How to fix – Go to Impactor > Xcode > Revoke Certificates or impactor > Xcode > Delete App ID. Then try installing Phoenix3.ipa. Error – File: installer.cpp ...

[Help] Phoenix wont verify after restarting Ipad 3 Ios 9.3.6

2022年10月23日 — The certificate used for the app either expired or got revoked. Redownload the app.